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Deputy Safeguarding Leads


The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads at Bonneygrove Primary School, are expected to support the DSL and lead in the absence of the DSL in the following areas:

Areas of responsibility:

Policy and procedure:

  • Act as a champion of the school’s safeguarding policy and procedures by supporting all staff to have access to and understand them
  • Contribute to the school safeguarding policy and review process
  • Ensure that all staff are aware of their responsibility to challenge behaviour which breaches the Guidance for Safer Working Practice (Code of Conduct)

Reporting concerns:

  • Recognise how to identify signs of abuse and when to make a referral
  • Respond appropriately and promptly to disclosures or concerns relating to the well-being of a child
  • Refer allegations or cases of suspected abuse to the relevant investigating agencies, ensuring they have access to the most relevant up to date information
  • Liaise with the Head Teacher and DSL to inform them of any issues and ongoing investigations
  • Refer cases to the Channel programme where there is a radicalisation concern as required
  • Support staff who make referrals to the Channel programme
  • Refer cases to the police as and when necessary

It is not the role of the Deputy DSL to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect by members of staff working or volunteering with children in school. This falls to the Headteacher or to the Chair of Governors where the allegation is against the Head teacher.

Multi Agency working:

  • When the head teacher or DSL is unavailable attend and contribute effectively to Child In Need meetings, Child Protection conferences, Early Help, and planning and review meetings; including those taking place out of normal working hours
  • Liaise with the LA and follow up any referrals made


  • Attend relevant training on an annual basis. In addition, attend staff meetings/briefings forums/roadshows to reinforce and enhance safeguarding knowledge and practice
  • Be proactive in identifying training needs and inform DSL or Headteacher
  • Keep up to date with safeguarding guidance and policies
  • Contribute to safeguarding training for staff as appropriate

Record Keeping:

  • Understand the policy and procedures in relation to record keeping
  • Ensure that relevant, detailed and accurate written records of referrals/concerns are kept and that these are shared with the head teacher and DSL and are stored securely
  • Maintain an appropriate level of confidentiality whilst at the same time liaising with relevant professionals


Miss Jocelyn Hurry 






Deputy Headteacher

Deputy Safeguarding Lead 

01992 307900






















Mr Christopher Bond 

           Assistant Headteacher 

Deputy Safeguarding Lead 

01992 307900





















Mrs Dawn Thomas 

Parent Support Advisor 

Deputy Safeguarding Lead 

01992 307900






















Email Addresses: