SEND Local Offer
Quality first teaching is our first step in responding to pupils who have SEND. Teachers plan lessons carefully and each lesson is adapted to meet individual children’s needs. Reasonable adjustments are carefully considered for each pupil and these are listed on the children’s Learning Plans. Sometimes, when we adapt learning, children all do the same task, but a different outcome is expected. Sometimes all children learn the same skill but at different levels. Teachers deliver these lessons and include a range of strategies to support individual needs with their quality first teaching.
In some instances, small groups or one-to-one support from Teaching Assistants will be available where appropriate. Some children may need further intervention support, which is mainly delivered by Teaching Assistants in the afternoons.
All children on the SEND register have a personalised' Learning Plan'. The Learning Plan indicates the child’s strengths and interests, reasonable adjustments and SMART targets. These Learning Plans are reviewed each term and parents and children are invited to discuss the progress with the class teacher and SENCo if necessary. In some situations when, despite having a 'Learning Plan', there is limited progress, the SENCo may suggest the involvement of an outside professional. Parents will be fully involved at every stage of the process.
SENDCO - Assistant Headteacher - Miss Hayley Stevens
Telephone: 01992 307900
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The Local Offer lets parents and young people know what special educational needs and disabilities services are available in Hertfordshire, and who can access them.
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